Associated British Ports (ABP).


An important message, delivered with a helping hand from the most important people in their life.

Editorial, design


The challenge

Associated British Ports needed a safety campaign that not only resonated with their workforce but also inspired change in their behaviour.

What we did

We created the safety campaign ‘Every Person Matters’ for 2017/2018, all based around the concepts of children’s drawings and using positive messages to reinforce the importance of safety. This includes kids workshops, posters, animation, a celebratory booklet and a 2018 calendar. 


An important message, delivered with a helping hand from the most important people in their life.


The outcome

The special thing about this project was having the involvement of the children, seeing safety through their eyes was something we found incredibly profound. It’s something that can resonate with employees as their safety isn’t just about themselves, but also about those it affects within their life. A message that we felt honoured to communicate in such a meaningful way within this project.






children workshops held across the country

children’s drawings submitted


Other work.