Lockdown loves: The Simpsons

Lockdown loves: The Simpsons

The lockdown experience has been challenging for all of us and we have found solace and escape in a variety of ways. We asked the team at Headlines to share the things that made their lockdowns more bearable and made them smile in 2020.

No.6 The Simpsons

Selected by Peter Bennett – Head of Editorial

Why do you like it? What does it mean to you?

The early seasons of The Simpsons are as close to perfection as you might get. Being able to watch The Simpsons season by season, in the order they were originally broadcast is great. 

What are your favourite aspects of The Simpsons?

First of all, the nostalgia. Watching The Simpsons was always a treat when I was little – there's just something so comforting about it. Second of all, the writing in the show is absolutely incredible. It's a masterclass.

How did it help you get through lockdown?

My daughter was born in January, so I haven't had much free time to sit down and properly binge watch shows. With The Simpsons, I can put it on in the background while I'm doing other things. It's just such great easy watching. And because each of the episodes are short, I can usually squeeze one in during nap time.

In one sentence, why is it your lockdown love?

Perfect writing, timeless comedy, comforting nostalgia … everything you need.

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