Engagement – it’s a culture thing

Engagement – it’s a culture thing

All businesses want an engaged, motivated workforce, but what’s the secret to creating a culture where people truly love what they do?

“It sounds cliché, but it is like one big family.”

Replied Sarah Dunn, Fossil Group’s HR Director, when asked about the business’s working culture and working environment.

The global designer and manufacturer employs more than 15,000 people worldwide and 400 people in the UK, some of whom are based at its Milton Keynes UK Head Office.

This diverse workforce means creating a culture of unity and shared values through employee engagement is essential.

This culture benefits the company in several ways. Not only does it foster authenticity, curiosity and humour – qualities that Fossil counts among its core values – but it also supports key business pillars, such as recruitment and retention.


Sarah Dunn, Fossil Group’s HR Director, said:

“Our stability index [the measure of stability within a workforce] is around the five-year mark, which is well above average.

“Also, because we’re known as a good employer, we’re able to attract strong talent. That’s a big benefit.

“When you’re in meetings and people are openly talking about why they love working for your organisation, it’s great to hear.”

So how do they do it?

Tactics include cross-functional ‘culture teams’ in head office locations that meet monthly to discuss ideas for promoting employee engagement and community investment.

In addition, the business operates an open-door policy to encourage people to contribute ideas. It also organises social events for employees, creating opportunities for people to mingle with co-workers they might not interact with in the office.

When asked what advice she would offer other employers on creating a culture of employee engagement, Sarah said:

“Actively talk to people. You can send out surveys and collect all the data in the world, but you must actually spend time with people and ask them what they want to get out of their jobs.”

What factors do you think shape an organisation’s culture? Join the discussion #LoveWhereYouWorkMK, or Tweet us directly @HeadlinesComms

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